Sunanda Pushkar's Actual Cause of Death Not Established by Police, Tharoor Argues Before Court

Team SoOLEGAL 18 Oct 2019 5:30pm

Sunanda Pushkar's Actual Cause of Death Not Established by Police, Tharoor Argues Before Court

It was argued on behalf of the Congress leader Shashi Tharoor before a Special CBI Judge today that no actual evidence has been put on record by the investigating agency to prove the actual cause of Sunanda Pushkar's death.

The Addl. Sessions Judge Ajay Kumar Kuhar, while presiding the Special CBI Court was hearing arguments today on point of framing of charges against the Congress MP from Thiruvananthapuram accused of abetting the suicide & inflicting cruelty upon his wife Sunanda Pushkar.

Tharoor was represented by Senior Advocate Vikas Pahwa, who argued that since no the justifiable reason was ascertained by the police for the actual cause of death of Pushkar, they opted for an adventurous route and conducted psychological autopsy.

He also explained to the court that conducting psychological autopsy is a secondary method of research conducted on competed suicides. It is conducted as per the absolute information available about the victim received from several persons and records to ascertain the mental condition victim at the time of his/her death.

Pahwa further submitted before the Court that hours before her death, Pushkar had made certain tweets thereby clarifying her relationship with her husband Shashi Tharoor.

One of the tweets claimed that they were very happily married and intended to remain that way. Therefore, an application under section 91 Cr.P.C was also put forward on behalf of Tharoor to make such tweets a part of present proceedings and to bring them on record for just and fair adjudication of the case.

After hearing arguments, the Special CBI Judge issued notice to the Delhi Police to file their reply to the said application filed by Tharoor.

Sunanda Pushkar was found dead in her Hotel Suite on January 17, 2014, in New Delhi and as per prosecution's case, she was a normal and healthy person and cause of her death was poisoning due to the consumption of Alprazolam.

The Delhi Police had filed charge-sheet against Tharoor in August this year on the charges of Section 498A and 306 or alternatively Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.  

The matter has now been fixed for further proceedings on November 15.

Tagged: Shashi Tharoor   Vikas Pahwa   Sunand Pushkar   CBI Court   Delhi Police  
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