SC Lawyer addressed CJI Bobde with ‘Your Honour’Judge Shuts Him Down

Team SoOLEGAL 14 Aug 2020 4:41pm

SC Lawyer addressed CJI Bobde with ‘Your Honour’Judge Shuts Him Down

On Thursday, 13 August, 2020, during a case hearing, a lawyer addressed the Chief Justice of India as ‘Your Honour’. Chief Justice of India S.A. Bobde told him that it is not U.S. Supreme Court and the phrase ‘Your Honour’ is mainly used in U.S. Supreme Court and not in Indian Supreme Court.

In reply the lawyer stated that there is no settled law on addressing judges in Indian Courts. Chief Justice gave a counter reply stating that although there is no law but it is a practice of the Court that no lawyer uses the term ‘Your Honour’ while addressing the Judges.

In recent few years how to address the judges has become one of the most important debate and also there are many petitions has been filed regarding this particular practice.

In the year 2014, Justice S.A. Bobde, now the Chief Justice of India, and Justice H.L. Dattu held that it is not mandatory to address a judge or judges as ‘my lord’, ‘your lordship’ or ‘your honour’. Just addressing in a dignified manner will do. The petitioner requested an uniform address decision from judges in courts around the country. The applicant wanted a ban on the use of the expression "my lord or your lordship" in courts as a remnant of the colonial period and a symbol of slavery.

At that time Supreme Court held that respect and dignity  is all that matters. Lawyers are not obliged to address the judges in a particular format. If a lawyer wants to address a judge as sir, he/she can do so, if a lawyer wants to address a judge as your honour or lordship, he/she can also do so.

Recently two instances had happened. Two judges, Justice S. Muralidhar of Punjab and Haryana High Court and Chief Justice TBN Radhakrishnan of Calcutta High Court have requested all the members of the Bar and Judicial Officers to address them as ‘Sir’.  

Tagged: Supreme Court Lawyer   CJI Bobde   Indian Courts   Your Honour   Justice H.L. Dattu   Judicial Officers  
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Adv. S.j. choudhary   17 Aug 2020 8:15pm
All judges should be address as sir and not my lord....because Advocates are not subordinate to judges they are also officers of court .
Adv. S.j. choudhary   17 Aug 2020 8:14pm
All judges should be address as sir and not my lord....because Advocates are not subordinate to judges they are also officers of court .
Adv. S.j. choudhary   17 Aug 2020 8:14pm
All judges should be address as sir and not my lord....because Advocates are not subordinate to judges they are also officers of court .
Adv. S.j. choudhary   17 Aug 2020 8:14pm
All judges should be address as sir and not my lord....because Advocates are not subordinate to judges they are also officers of court .
Adv. S.j. choudhary   17 Aug 2020 8:14pm
All judges should be address as sir and not my lord....because Advocates are not subordinate to judges they are also officers of court .

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