During COVID-19 epidemic, the US DOJ demand additional powers

Team SoOLEGAL 23 Mar 2020 4:03pm

During COVID-19 epidemic, the US DOJ demand additional powers

According to a report of POLITICO on Saturday i.e. 21st March 2020, the Department of Justice (DOJ) urged the Congress to allow the US Attorney General the extraordinary authority to order federal judges to take a break during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In emergencies, federal judges do have the right to pause trials in their own courts. The DOJ argues, however, that this plan would delay the whole judicial system.

The proposal raises concerns about civil rights, as it affects pre-arrested person by postponing trial. Many opponents like Norman L. Reimer, the executive director of the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, has expresses dissent regarding the legislation stating it would breach the right of Habeas Corpus.

The proposal has also been criticized by both Republican and Democratic lawmakers. Republican SenatorMike Lee answered with "OVER MY DEAD BODY," while Senate Chuck Schumer, leader of the democratic minority, said, "Two words, Hell No." House Representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stated "Absolutely not."

The DOJ has yet to respond to the POLTICO report.

Tagged: COVID-19   epidemic   Department of Justice   US Attorney General   federal judges  
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