Lawstreet Journal

Plea to Stop ‘Bhoomi Pujan’ For Laying Down Foundation Stone of Ram Mandir At Ayodhya dismissed by HC

Lawstreet Journal 30 Jul 2020 10:44pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Plea to Stop ‘Bhoomi Pujan’ For Laying Down Foundation Stone of Ram Mandir At Ayodhya dismissed by HC

On Thursday (July 30,2020) the High Court of Allahabad dismissed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) which was seeking direction to stop ‘Bhoomi Pujan’ for laying down the foundation stone of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya.

The Petitioner (Saket Gokhle) in this case stated that on the occasion of the foundation stone ceremony the Respondent (Shri Ram Janambhoomi Tirthi Kshetra And Another) invited about three hundred people at the same place on 5th of August. As of now the situation due to COVID-19 is very crucial and this religious gathering will increase the risk of spreading coronavirus, therefore, inviting three hundred people at the same place is not appropriate because it is violating the guidelines prescribed by the Government of India and Government of Uttar Pradesh (UP) provided social and physical distancing to control the pandemic of COVID-19.

The division of Chief Justice Govind Mathur and Justice Saumitra Dayal Singh stated that the writ petition filed by social activist Saket Gokhle is entirely based on assumptions and there is no foundation for apprehending violation of prescribed protocol.

The Court while mentioning this also said that they expect that the protocol for social and physical distancing must be followed and the duty to ensure it is on the organizers and the Government of the State. 

The court dismissed the writ petition of Saket Gokhle by saying that they do not find any just reason to interfere in this matter.

As per the reports, The Shri Ram Janambhoomi Tirthe Kshetra has decided that there will not be more than… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Ayodhya Ram temple   Ayodhya  
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