Lawstreet Journal

Delhi Riots- 'Statement Of Witnesses Not dated, No Plausible Explanation': Delhi Court Casts Serious Doubt on Credibility of Witnesses, Grants Bail [READ ORDER]

Lawstreet Journal 13 Apr 2021 9:37pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Delhi Riots- 'Statement Of Witnesses Not dated, No Plausible Explanation': Delhi Court Casts Serious Doubt on Credibility of Witnesses, Grants Bail [READ ORDER]

A Delhi Court on Friday, April 09, 2021, granted bail to one Kasim, an alleged associate of Tahir Hussain (principal accused) facing trial in connection with the Delhi riots who was accused of firing and hurting a 19-year-old Prince Bansal while being part of a riotous mob which was allegedly involved in pelting stones, throwing petrol bombs and firing gunshots on "people belonging to other community" from former AAP Councillor Tahir Hussain's terrace.

Bail was granted by Additional Sessions Judge Vinod Yadav after observing that the injured Prince Bansal had "not specifically named" Kasim in his complaint, that the "statements of witnesses were undated" and that the investigating agency "did not accord any suitable or plausible explanation" on this behalf.

"It is further a matter of record that injured Prince Bansal had not specifically named the applicant in his complaint dated 02.03.2020. The applicant is further not visible in any CCTV footage/video-clip. No recovery of any sort has been effected from the applicant. It is further a matter of record that the statements (recorded under Section 161 Cr.P.C) of P.Ws Kuldeep Bansal and Narender Bansal are "undated" and no suitable/plausible explanation in this regard has been accorded on behalf of investigating agency. Be that as it may, it is further a matter of record that even no call at number 100 was made by the aforesaid witnesses on the date of incident, " the Court observed.

While granting bail, the Court further observed "Needless to say, investigation in the matter is complete and chargesheet has already been filed; trial in the matter is likely… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Delhi Riots  
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