Lawstreet Journal

Allahabad HC Summons Government Officials Over Pathetic Civic Conditions In Lucknow [Read Order]

Lawstreet Journal 7 Mar 2020 1:33pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Allahabad HC Summons Government Officials Over Pathetic Civic Conditions In Lucknow [Read Order]

The Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court on March 06, 2020 called upon the local municipal authorities to question them over the deteriorating civic conditions in the city.

The court took note of the fact that despite giving out repeated orders, the condition in the city of Lucknow pertaining to the issues such as sanitation, garbage collection and its disposal, solid waste management, accumulation of garbage on open spaces and the menace created by roaming stray cattle on the streets, was far from satisfactory.

“Despite repeated orders passed by this court, the condition of sanitation, garbage collection and its disposal, solid waste management, accumulation of garbage on open spaces and the menace created by stray cattle is far from satisfactory” Justice DK Upadhyay said.

Given this context, the bench comprising Justice Devendra Kumar Upadhyaya and Justice Rajan Roy summoned various government officials, along with the initiative to address the problem.

"To suggest and take adequate and effective measures to mitigate the aforesaid civic problems, we require presence of Municipal Commissioner of Lucknow Nagar Nigam, Housing Commissioner, Vice-Chairman, Lucknow Development Authority, Chief Town and Country Planner, Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Planning and Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Urban Development on the next date for assistance of the Court…”

“The Officers to be present on the next before this Court shall come prepared with the proposal for removal of civic problems as aforesaid. They will also apprise the Court as to whether at any place or in City in the State of Uttar… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Allahabad High Court  
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