Lawstreet Journal

[DHARM SANSAD MATTER] Supreme Court Bench takes up the matter

Lawstreet Journal 22 Apr 2022 6:28pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary [DHARM SANSAD MATTER] Supreme Court Bench takes up the matter

Kapil Sibal reads out the speech at Hindu Yuva Vahini event.

Sibal : This is concerning a particular incident which happened in Delhi. Please see my rejoinder at page 5, it is the speech made. See the counter (of Delhi Police). Very interesting.

Sibal : The Commissioner of Police says he has conducted an inquiry. He justifies that persons were gathered to "save ethics of the community".

Sibal reads out the affidavit of Delhi Police to the bench.

Bench : This is with respect to which speech.

Sibal : Delhi event. They say they are ready to kill. The police say this is to save the ethics of the community. Your lordships may have to decide constitutionally what the ethics are.

Sibal : I don't want to read the speech aloud. Your lordships may read it. It is extracted in the rejoinder.

Justice AM Khanwilkar asks who is appearing for Delhi Police.

ASG Nataraj says Delih police has filed counter.

Justice AM Khanwilkar asks ASG if any superior officer has verified the Delhi police affidavit.

"Has any superior officer verified this? Whether such a stand can be taken in an affidavit. This affidavit has been filed by Dy Commissioner of Delhi Police"- judge asks

Justice Khanwilkar : The affidavit has been filed by Dy Commissioner of Police. We hope he has understood the nuances. Has he merely reproduced the inquiry report or applied his mind? Is it your stand as well or the reproduction of inquiry report of Sub Inspector level officer?

Justice Khanwilkar : Do you want to have a relook?

ASG… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Dharam Sansad  
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