Lawstreet Journal

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Faces Defamation Suit Filed By Girlfriends Brother

Lawstreet Journal 4 Feb 2020 5:32pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Business Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Faces Defamation Suit Filed By Girlfriends Brother

A lawsuit was filed on Friday (January 31, 2020) in the court of Los Angeles in California State by Michael Sanchez against Jeff Bezos, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Amazon Inc. alongside security consultant, Gavin De Becker, who was allegedly hired by Bezos to work in spreading false statements about the public disclosure of Bezos affair with Lauren Sanchez. The Lawyer of Bezos said that his client would address this lawsuit in the court and the lawyer representing Miss Lauren Sanchez provided a statement from her saying, "he (Michael Sanchez) is the older brother and providing my most personal information to National Enquirer is a deep and unforgivable betrayal." The lawsuit of Sanchez acknowledges that he helped to publicize their relationship in an attempt to expose their relationship to the society but expressed a concern that Bezos and Becker campaigned to blame him for graphic nude photographs, which Sanchez denies distributing. People familiar with Sanchez have shared that he showed below the belt selfie of Bezos to the National Enquirer, without providing a copy. The lawsuit has come amid scrutiny over the source of photographs which was obtained by the Enquirer which were first published in the year 2019 in its January edition.

In the lawsuit, the brother mentioned that he used to work as the manager of Miss Sanchez and was involved in publicizing the relationship. Initially, a psychic from New Mexico suggested keeping their relationship secret which started in the year 2017.Mr. Sanchez says that reporters have been cautious to work with him on matters… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Amazon  
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