SAURAV CHANDRA (Advocate, High Court Calcutta, Senior Tax & SEZ Consultant)

Tax Lawyer


(Advocate, High Court Calcutta & Senior Tax & SEZ Consultant)


“Greenfield City” Tower No.69, Suite No.2B & 2C, E3-398, J.S.Road, Kolkata-700 141

“Archana Bhawan” 8/B,Ramanath Sadhu Lane, Kolkata-700 007

Telefax: +91-(33)-29700028 | Cell: +91 9830776310,+91 7980105784 | | Email_Id:, saurav.ch2001@gmail | https://twitter/ukilbabu | Instagram: adv_saurav https://www.facebook/bhuchumba | Skype: wb02z2306 | Website: | Citycom No(s).0069202, 0069203.

Global Ambassador

International Human Rights Advisory Council

Advisory Capacity in Professional Field

·        “Banking Finance” a leading monthly journal circulated all over India.

·       “Consultative Committee to the Directorate of Commercial Taxes” (CTD)    Deptt. of Finance & Revenue (Govt. of W.B.)

·     Advisory Committee of the Kolkata Police Commissionerate” (KP-E2) (Govt. of West Bengal)

·         “Gun & Shell Factory under the Ordnance Factory Board” of the Ministry of  Defense (Govt. of India)

·         “Telephone Advisory Committee” (TAC) of the Ministry of Communications (Govt. of India)

·      “Taxation Sub-Committee” of ‘The Calcutta Electric Traders Association’ (CETA)

·       “Advisory Board of Indirect Taxes” of the ‘Federation of Small & Medium Industries’ (FOSMI)

·     “GST, State Tax & VAT Standing Committee” of the ‘Bengal National   Chamber of Commerce & Industry’ (BNCCI)

·         “State Tax & Indirect Taxes Standing Committee” of the ‘MCC Chamber of  Commerce & Industry’ (MCC)

·   “Committee on Taxation including VAT” of the ‘Engineering Export Promotion Council of India’ (EEPC)

·     “National Council of Indirect Taxes” of ‘The Associated Chamber of     Commerce & Industry’ (ASSOCHAM)

·  “Economic Affairs, Finance & Taxation Sub-Committee” of the ‘Confederation of Indian Industry’ (CII)

·      “Indirect Taxes Standing Committee” of ‘The Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industry’ (BCCI)

·         Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB)

Professional Engagements & Membership

·         Member, Bar Council of West Bengal (BCWB)

·         Member, All India Federation of Tax Practitioners (AIFTP)

·         Member, Sub-Committee (Cyber Cell) of All Bengal Tax Bar Association         (ABTBA)

·         Member, Commercial Taxes Bar Association (CTBA)

·         Member, Tax Advocates’ Association of Bengal (TAAB)

·         Member, National Company Law Tribunal Bar Association (NCLTBA)


·   “Handbook of VAT Law in West Bengal” – Published by the Venus Book Distributors, Kolkata in 2009, foreword by Sri.Hari Krishna Dwivedi, Commissioner, Commercial Taxes, Government of West Bengal and inaugurated by Sri.Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble Union Minister of Finance in the august presence of Sri.K.G.Balakrishnan, Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, Sri.Surindar Singh Nijjar, Hon’ble Chief Justice, Calcutta High Court, His Excellency Sri.Gopal Krishna Gandhi, Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal, Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal, Dr.Asim Dasgupta, Hon’ble Finance Minister of West Bengal, Sri.Rabilal Moitra, Hon’ble Minister of Law & Judicial, West Bengal, Sri.Bikas Ranjan Bhattacharyya, Hon’ble Mayor of Kolkata & Former Advocate General of Tripura, Sri.Balai Chandra Roy, Hon’ble Advocate General of West Bengal Professor Suranjan Das, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, University of Calcutta, Sri.Tarun Chatterjee Hon’ble Judge, Supreme Court of India, Sri.Chittotosh Mukherji, Former Chief Justice of Calcutta & Mumbai High Courts & Ex-Chairman, Human Rights Commission of West Bengal, Sri.Sushanto Chatterjee, Former Chief Justice of Orrisa High Court, Sri.Gorachand Dey & Sri.Samaresh Banerjee, Former Judge, Calcutta High Court, Sri.Arun Kumar Sarkar, Hon’ble Chairman, Bar Council of West Bengal, Dr.Saradindu Biswas, Former Vice-Chairman, Bar Council of India & President, Commercial Taxes Bar Association, Sri.Nisith Nandan Adhikary, Additional Advocate General & Former Minister of Law & Judicial, West Bengal along with some other dignitaries at the ‘Centenary Hall of the University of Calcutta’ on July 18th,2009.

This book has been widely acclaimed by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), The Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BCCI), Bengal National Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BNCCI), West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS), University of Calcutta (CU), Bar Council of West Bengal (BCWB), West Bengal Commercial Taxes Appellate & Revisional Board (WBCTARB), West Bengal Taxation Tribunal (WBTT), All India Federation of Tax Practitioners (AIFTP), All Bengal Tax Bar Association (ABTBA), Commercial Taxes Bar Association (CTBA), Commercial Tax Practitioners’ Association (CTPA), Direct Tax Professionals’ Association (DTPA), Income Tax Bar Association (ITBA), Tax Advocates’ Association of Bengal (TAAB), West Bengal Taxation Tribunal Bar Association, High Court Bar Association (HCBA), Bar Library Club at High Court Calcutta (BLC), The Incorporate Law Society (ILS), The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), The Institute of Cost & Work Accountants of India (ICWAI), The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), Bengal Tax Counsel (BCA), West Bengal Legislative Assembly (WBLA), Bharat Ratna & Nobel Laureate Prof.(Dr.) Amartya Sen, Altamas Kabir (Chief Justice of India), Dr.Debi Prosad Pal (Former Union Minister of State for Finance & Justice, Calcutta High Court), Sri.Shyamal Kumar Sen (Former Governor of West Bengal; Chief Justice Allahabad High Court & Chairperson, West Bengal Human Rights Commission), Barrister Sri.Somnath Chatterjee (Former Speaker of Lok Sabha), Sri.Sukhendu Sekhar Ray (M.P. Rajyasabha), Anandabazar Patrika, Banking Finance, Barta Nyay, TAAB Bulletain, ABTBA Journal, Sales Tax Advices (STA) alongwith various journals and news papers.

Other Publications, Opinion & Speech

·     “Handbook on West Bengal VAT Act” Published by the Swastik Books, Kolkata in 2010, foreword by Sri.H.K.Dwivedi, Commissioner, Commercial Taxes, Government of West Bengal.

·     “Handbook on Profession Tax Law in West Bengal” Published by the Venus Book Distributors in 2010.

·        “Handbook on VAT & CST in West Bengal” Published by the Venus Book Distributors Kolkata in 2011.

·       “Handbook on VAT, CST & Entry Tax in West Bengal” Published by the Swastik Books Kolkata in 2012, foreword by Sri.H.K.Dwivedi, Principal Secretary, Finance & Revenue, Government of West Bengal.

·       “Handbook on VAT & CST in West Bengal” Published by the Venus Book Distributors Kolkata in 2013, foreword by Sri.Biman Banerjee, Speaker – West Bengal Legislative Assembly (Bidhansabha)

·   “Handbook on VAT & CST in West Bengal” Published by the Swastik Books Kolkata in 2014 and bulk order supplied for the Directorate of Commercial Taxes, Govt. of West Bengal.

·    “Drafting, Pleading & Practice of VAT, CST & Sales Tax” Published by the Book Corporations Kolkata in 2014, foreword by Lordship Janab Altamas Kabir, Hon’ble Chief Justice (Retd.) – Supreme Court of India.

·     “Alphabetical Rate Chart of Goods & Services” Published by the Book Corporations Kolkata in 2017.

·         “GST at a Glance” Published by the Book Corporations Kolkata in 2017.

·         “Double Taxation on IT Products” Published in ‘Banking Finance’ in 2008.

·        “VAT Audit” – An interview telecasted on ‘TARA Media TV Channel’ in 2008.

·     “Budget Opinion’ 2008” – An interview telecasted on ‘LIVE INDIA TV Channel’ in 2008.

·     “Union Budget 2009-2010 Impact on Indirect Taxes” – Article published in ‘Banking Finance’ in 2009.

·         “Proposed Goods & Service Tax (GST)-A Blessing or Evil of Indian Indirect Tax System?”–‘TAAB Bulletin’ in 2009.

·   “Impact on Indirect Taxes of the West Bengal Budget 2010-2011” & “Proposed Goods & Service Tax (GST) - A Blessing or Evil of Indian Indirect Tax System?”– Article published in DTPA Journal & ‘EIRC News Letter’ of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in 2010.

·    “Discussion on GST & Proposed Changes in Commercial Taxes under the West Bengal Budget 2010-11” – Article published in ‘Banking Finance’  journal in 2010.

·    “Recent Amendments in Commercial Taxes under the W.B. Budget      2010-11”– Article published in ‘STA’ in 2010.

·         Addressed conference of the All Bengal Tax Bar Association on “Proposed Goods & Service Tax in India”.

·  “Recent Changes in Commercial Taxes under the West Bengal Budget 2011-12”– Article published in ‘EIRC News Letter’ of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ‘TAAB Bulletin’ & ‘Banking Finance’ journal in 2011 and ‘ABTBA Journal’ in 2012.

·   “New Amendments in Commercial Taxes under the West Bengal Budget 2012-13” – Article published in ‘AIFTP Times’, ‘FOSMI MSME News’, ‘Sales Tax Advices’ and ‘Banking Finance’ journal in 2012.  

·      “Union Budget Analysis 2013-14” – An interview telecasted on ‘KOLKATA TV Channel’ in 2013.

·      “Commercial Taxes Amendments under the West Bengal Budget 2013-14” – Article published in ‘CMDA Speaks’, ‘CETA Times’, ‘FOSMI MSME News’, ‘Indian Engineering Exports’ & ‘Banking Finance’ journals in 2013.

·      “Entry Tax Struck Down” - Article published in ‘Indian Engineering Exports’ journal in 2013.

·     “Single Bench Judgment on West Bengal Entry Tax” - Article published in ‘CMDA Speaks’ journal in 2013.

·  “Calcutta High Court Judgment on West Bengal Entry Tax” – Article published in ‘EEPC India’ journal in 2013.

·  “West Bengal Budget Amendments F.Y.2014-15 at a Glance” - Article published in ‘FOSMI MSME NEWS’ & ‘Banking Finance’ journal in 2014.

·      “West Bengal Budget Highlights F.Y.2014-15” - Article published in ‘Financial Bazaar’ news paper in 2014.

·     “Major VAT Amendments in West Bengal Budget 2014-15” - Article published in ‘CMDA Speaks’ journal in 2014.

·   “Babsya Surur Prothom Dhap”, “Kaaj Koraley Kar Lagbey”, “Apnar Kormider  Praptyo Subidha Dichchen Toh”, “Rajye Korer Naya Jamana”, “Simana Pariye Babsya”, “Aainey GST” & “Nothi Bhuktyor Khutinati”   Articles published in ‘ANANDABAZAR PATRIKA’ in 2013, 2014 & 2017 respectively.

·   “Proposed West Bengal Tax Reforms” & “GST at a Glance” - Articles published in ‘FOSMI MSME NEWS’ journal in 2017.

Experiences & Key Expertise

Nineteen years practicing experience as an Advocate in the field of Indirect Taxation, Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and Consumer Dispute matters before the Directorate of Commercial Taxes, Taxation Tribunal, Consumer Courts and High Court respectively.

Former Director

·         Premium Agro Exports Ltd.

·         S. B. Marine Products Ltd.

·         The Eastern Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

Chief Consultant

·         Chandra Legal & Tax Consultants

Social Activities

     Elected Governing Body Member of the Kalidas Mullick Sebayatan & Polyclinic of Subarnabanik Samaj of Kolkata.

Family Background, Historical Significance & Heritage Status of the Residence

Born during the year 1973 in an illustrious literateare Chandra family (Subarna Banik) of North Kolkata spreading over four generations for more than 150 years. The house in North Kolkata “Archana Bhawan” was named by Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore after the renowned “Archana Patrika” and it had the footfalls of many famous persons like Poet Rabindranath Tagore, Natyacharya Girish Chandra Ghosh, Biplabi Bipin Chandra Pal, Eminent Writer Annadashankar Roy, Kabi Kumud Ranjan Mullick, Premendra Mitra, Ashapurna Debi, Former Union Education Minister Dr.Pratap Chunder Chunder on various memorable occasions. 

Father : Basudev Chandra was the well known figure in the printing and publishing circle of West Bengal for running the “Archana Printing Works” and “Archana Publishers” respectively.

Grandfather: Krishnadas Chandra was the founder-editor of a well circulated Bengali literary magazine “Archana Patrika” published during 1904-1960 in association with Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore. The patrika was so glorious that the British Government had set up a separate post office (Archana Post Office) named after the said patrika which was then the only instance all over India.

Maternal Grandfather: Gupinath Dutta was a freedom fighter and a leader of Indian National Congress during the pre-independence period who endured great hardship including being sent to jail several times during the British regime for his outstanding role in India’s struggle for independence. He donated huge gold ornaments to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose to strength the freedom movement towards eradication of British Government from India. He was also a patron of Chinsurah Deshbandhu Memorial School at Hooghly.

Country Visited

·         Thailand

  • Kolkata, India
  • Kolkata, India
  • Surendranath Law College , LLB , (1994-1999)
  • • Member, Bar Council of West Bengal (BCWB) • Member, All India Federation of Tax Practitioners (AIFTP) • Member, Sub-Committee (Cyber Cell) of All Bengal Tax Bar Association (ABTBA) • Member, Commercial Taxes Bar Association (CTBA) • Member, Tax Advocates’ Association of Bengal (TAAB)
  • Year: 2000 - 2019 at Experiences & Key Expertise

    Experiences & Key Expertise

    Nineteen years practicing experience as an Advocate in the field of Indirect Taxation, Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and Consumer Dispute matters before the Directorate of Commercial Taxes, Taxation Tribunal, Consumer Courts and High Court respectively.


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